Friday 4 November 2016

Preliminary task


Preliminary task
The preliminary task is when you have to record a 30-40 seconds of a radio show which has to include a celebrity guest the show had to be as close to a local radio show as we could make it.

First off we choose what genre are radio show would be we decided upon rap this then help us cut down the chooses of who the guest of the show should be we as a group decided to make are guest Richard deafont and to speak about a up and coming tour of Traffics Scott. We then decided that Dominic would be the presenter of the show and Jay would then be the guest.   
When we then created the radio show we first had to find a jungle that fit the genre of are radio show we found a jungle that would fit are radio show we took a clip for the beginning and the end of the radio show this was 5 seconds of it at the start and less then 5 seconds at the end then we had to write the script that had to then be 30-40 but include a question answer and then a sign off by the presenter (Dominic) and intro jungle and outro jungle.  It was spilt into 3 parts then Dominic the presenter intruded the show and then asked a question to jay then was Jays response and Dominic then did his send of on the show we mannered to then after editing to get the show down to 37seconds.

This was original draft for a script and the plan the we then arranged this first draft had Jay speaking more expensively then he did in the show and the jungle was 3 seconds long but as a group then we decided that this was too short and then we extended it to 5 seconds at the beginning and the end.

The flow chart shows the final script that we have split into 5 different sections and had Dominic and Jay try saying what they had to before to see the timing that it took them to say each of there parts so we had a idea of the amount of time we had with the jingle with the preliminary task only being able to be 40 seconds long we had to test out different jingles and even different ways they spoke the script.

Our Group Discussion: 

Final preliminary task:

News values:

1. Proximity Are something that are close to the event for example the local news this is reported on because it could effect the people that they are telling the event to in the London news they would tell them about a bus stick because millions of people in London this news would have no relents to people who live in a place like Sheffield as non of the people living there have no impact on this people.

2.  Unusual   It is something that happens as a surprise, which is something, that doesn’t usually and something that people don’t expect to be happening. This includes events such as massive Volcano Eruptions that could only happen once or twice in a lifetime. 

3.      Timeliness this is about something that happens today or yesterday so it is still relevant this doesn’t have to be a worldwide news story but it has to have happened recently so it still has a relevant to what people are reading.

4.     Bad news is when something happens that is negative impact on people and is a negative to report option this includes this such as serial killers this is something bad but it is not worldwide that I has to be reported.

5.      Elite this is when a story is reported about the celebrity or higher class of people like millionaires and little story’s that happen in their lives for example with brad pit and his devours this would no be reported aproned if it was a normal person as this happens all the time with the average person.

6.     Entertainment this is something that is no exactly news but is entertaining to the reader or listener to hear about this often has something to do with happier news.

7.     Follow ups this is a update on important news story’s this a update or change in news story of what had news they had a the start of the project 

8.     Impact this is a news story that has a direct impact on the people that are listening to it this would include the impact for local news or news such as the volcanic erosion in island this affected many parts of the world meaning that it would be reported about.

9.      Celebrity This a news story’s out celebrity life this includes thing like celebrity gossip and a look into there life’s this is reported on because everyone knows this people and they are in a elite category

10.    Good news this is news story’s that should have the impact of being happy on the reader this would include stories on a fireman saving people from a burning building.   

What makes a good news story?
  1. Informational: A good news story  has to have all the information on the story to give the audience information that they need to know about the story.
  2. Effective to a number of people: That the news has a direct impact on a lot of different people that are watching or listening to the news.
  3. Practical/relevant:  This is news storys that people would like to hear about and will have a impact on them like featuring local news on a international channel would not be practical
  4. Interest to number of people: People are interest about the news that is featured and story's with the ost interest have the most time.
  5. Unexpected/Unusual stories: News that is rare and is not always seen on the news that surpises the audience like a man kicking a donkey in the face
  6. Stories about "Elites": These are stories that include news abut celebrities. 
  7. Faces and the Voices: When on tv that the news has pictures of the people involed in the story 
  8. Unbiased: A good story doesn't have the news broadcasters opinons about the topic as the watchs don't want to be told what to believe about a news story.
  9. All possible angles covered: All possible angles of the story are covered with all the fact and figures with each side of the story.
  10. Comprensive: The news coverage goes into depth about each news story.

Hard news:This are news story's like politics, business, crime this are the news story's that are about the current event this news story's are more factual and aimed at a more informed type of audience.
Soft news: This are story's about thing such entertainment sport and lifestyle this are for more of the casual audience they are aimed to inform the audience not to get them to react to the story.

Features of radio
This is a  used to almost introduce a new show by playing a Jingle it kills dead air time whitest also introducing that the next show had actually started it gains the attention of the listener at the same time.

The continuity announcer      

Is the person that fills in the gap between two different programs filling the short space of dead air or the viewer would turn off the radio station thinking nothing happening this person talking fills in the gap and updates the people of what is happening on the next programme.

Top News

In a radio broadcast the main bracket is the actual news that as this is the feature of the news is the top news story this is the main feature and often is at the top of the show as one of the first things the presenter talks about.

The interview 

Is example of radio feature this is to include a new voice so the person that listen to it doesn’t get bored of the same voice the whole show this also includes exclaves to make people want to listen to the show.

  Every news broadcast has a piece of music to finish the news broadcast as it does at the start just a short snip of high music that shows the news has ended. 

Capital Manchester 16th october 2016
News values
Parade in Manchester celebrating success of olympians and paralympians[31 secs]
Following the achievements at the rio 2016 during the summer with attendance being estimated to be over 200.000 people
Proximity as this is a event that is happening in manchester that is the area that the news bulletin is broadcasted from having more of an impact on people in manchester as they are able to attend rather than a person in London who this would have less of a meaning.
Impact first it tells people something to do during the weekend also informing people who don’t that there will be more people in city center creating trouble with transport and trips into the city center.
Celbrity the event will be attended by many olympians and paralympians who are regard as sporting celebrities within the Uk
Parliament debates  ban naming sexual crime suspects until they are charged.[10 secs]
A name of a suspect involved in a sexual crime will not be announced and named until the suspect is charged with the crime
Timeliness as it has to do with ongoing news that is taking place in parliament
Sport Jose Mourinho makes his first trip as manchester united manager to Anfield [9 secs]
Jose Mourinho looks forward to much anticipated rival match against liverpool as manchester united
Proximity as the majority of football fan support manchester united in manchester and liverpool is seen to be one of the biggest rivals to the club and is one of the most anticipated games in the football calendar
Weather[11 secs]
Few showers mostly dry throughout the weekend
Proximity it is talking about only the local area that the radio broadcast is taken place manchester this is news that doesn’t impact other people outside of manchester.

Understanding audience

To understand audience i must first look at demographics and what they have to with a audience member this is the list of demographics used by Rajar.RAJAR (Radio Joint Audience Research) measurers audience radio audiences within the UK. RAJAR collects data upon all of the audiences upon who listens to the radio. rajar is filled with information from where a person listen to the show from what age they are and weekly views collecting information on the show and the listeners.
  • Sex
  • Age
  • Social Grade
  • Ethnic Origin
  • Region
  • Working Status
  • Martial Status
  • Household composition
  • Household tenure
  • Employment status

This demographics are are used to determine who your radio broadcast is featured towards all show are inculded into more then one demographics weather it is which gender the show is more featured towards or class of the listener.we used the information on Rajar to determine the listeners of each radio show looking at the average view to the average age of the listeners. This is an example on quantative data is it uses numbers for the information uses statistics that have been collected compared to qualative data that is information you collect yourself with a interview.

When using Rajar to look at audience you can look at the different views that each different local BBC radio station get's this can show the different views that come to watch each area the difference between a area a big city area like London and a smaller area like Lincolnshire.

BBC Radio London gets the highest viewership with 12015 when BBC Radio Lincolnshire only has 557 viewer this is because the difference in population between London and Lincolnshire with the views in London still being low compared to the amount of people in London with the amount of people there is in London but the only time most people would listen to the radio would be in the car to work as the amount of ting there is to do in London less people are likely to listen to the radio.

Although when it comes to the average hours London has only 0.2 this is because people listen to the radio while doing something such as driving to work or cocking dinner but in a area like Lincolnshire the average hours are 2.5 this would be a ore of people listening to the radio in a large period of time this would be as there not much to do in Lincolnshire compared to London meaning people would stay in more often and listen to the BBC radio also there wouldn't be many ways to get local news compared to a big city in London where the news is well spread.

Hypodermic needle theory
This is the a way of describing mass media that it is injected into the audience like a needle and then the audience devises there own options from what they have heard this is a example of a passive audience as they accept the information that is given to them and don’t have any counteraction to what they have heard. each audience member would accept a message from what is being told by the media as one audience member would agree with the a message when another could see it as not even valuable

Encoding and Decoding

Stuart Hall developed a model of communication about the 'Encoding and Decoding in the television disclosure'. His model represents upon how the public decodes media messages dependent upon their beliefs, background and their social points. The idea that a different audience member can take in a message differently to another person with previous information that you have on a topic already would mean that you have a different view on the message that you have already. The people will decode the message to have a different meaning to a another person just by what they have seen this has to do with active and passive audience and how some reacts to what
they have seen.

Dominant Reading:
It can be argued that its a good idea for the British to provide air support for Kurdish and Arab Fighters who will potentially fight against Islamic State. By helping to join along side Kurdish and Arab fighters as well as providing air support with France and America.

Negotiated Reading:
It can also be argued that its a good idea for the British to help combat against Islamic State along side with other armed forces within Raqqa to help to bring an end towards Islamic State. However, it can be argued that with British Forces fighting overseas against Islamic State could potentially be bad as of a potential loss of lives as well as getting involved within foreign affairs.

Oppositional Reading:
It could be argued and question upon why Britain will be involved within combating Islamic State when there is other countries doing that. As that with British Forces being involved it can lead to a loss of lives, as well as two other air forces helping out the Kurdish and Arab forces on ground. Furthermore, there is no potential reason upon why Britain should be involved in this as its not particularity none of their business.

Active and passive: 

What is the different between active and passive. Active audience members are  that take in information and react to what they have just seen this people are more likely to argue there point of view on the topic as they create and form there arguement while they watch or listen to something like the news. While a passive audience are people that would have it playing in the background when doing something else they don't form any type of argument as they don't take the information in and are more likely to forget what they have seen.

Understanding what local means

Local is the area around someone the disance that is considered local to a person can be interpated in different ways as some people will see local as there street when other's see local as there city. what does local mean in terms of radio. There are local radio news broadcast that feature news from the whole of a city with more local radio broudcast within there are 27 local radio broadcast within London. Local radio broadcast feature top news story's but will also have a large section of the show only about local news the story will have a impact on the people in a way with internation news or with local news would have the same impact on the listener on the audience.people are more focus on what is happening around them then news from other parts of the country that has no impact on them.A local radio creates a change to your normal radio broadcast with more information about a smaller area then a national news story has on it's topics. As a national news broadcast has to apply to all of the views that are listening as something could have impact to one person but mean nothing to another and this is ferquent with a large audience to a local radio broadcast as every story feature proxmity to all listener's

Main task

Area: Hampstead

Before main task we as a group had to create a planning schedale for each week for are radio broadcast this help the group to stay on top of the work we were doing as each week the person knew what they had to do  allowing the group not to fall behind.
Who’s doing it?
Collecting/Recording News Item 1
Politics – Proximity, Timeliness, Media Agenda
Presenter: Dominic
Researcher:  Jay
Editor: Dominic/Mark
Collecting/Recording News Item 2
Health – Good News, Impact, Proximity
Presenter: Dominic/Hany
Researcher:  Jay
Editor: Dominic/Mark
Collecting/Recording News Item 3
Crime – Bad News,
Presenter: Dominic/Mark
Researcher:  Mark
Editor: Hany
Collecting/Recording News Item 4
Business – Impact,
Presenter: Dominic/Mark
Researcher:  Jay
Editor: Hany
Collecting/Recording News Item 5
Social Activities – Entertainment,
Presenter: Jay
Researcher:  Jay/Dominic
Editor: Mark/Hany
Collecting/Recording News Item 6
Travel – Impact, Bad News
Presenter: Dominic/Mark
Researcher:  Hany
Editor: Dominic
Collecting/Recording News Item 7
Weather – Proximity, Impact
Presenter: Mark
Researcher: Hany/Jay
Editor: Dominic/Jay

Politics - Theresa May (14th November 2016). Foreign Policy,
First topic politics

Are first news item will be on politics we will report on the terser mays speech at the lord majors banqueted on the 14th of November talking about what her aims are after Britain left the Eu and how she wanted to develop Britain post brexist and how she wanted to make Britain a power in Europe again after there post brexist this is the important story that people want to hear as brexist is the most imporant issuse in the country at this moment.

Draft News Bulletin Script:
Running Order 
Welcome to The Heath, Prime Minister Theresa May presented  her speech at the Lord’s Mayor’s banquet last night among the biggest UK's businessmen has promised to make globalisation “Work for all”."This is a new direction - a new approach to managing the forces of globalisation so that they work for all - and it is the course on which the government I lead has embarked," THERESA MAY SPEECH.
There's mixed opinions upon Theresa May's speech, and her as a Prime Minister, many people have different views either she is good post Brexit or that she isn't. There has also been rum ours that shes unfit to be prime minister.


Finalised Topic 1 Script
Running Order
Welcome, its 9 O’clock and you’re listening to The Heath, I’m Dominic Kehoe, and here’s Jay Bircham with our top news story.
Prime Minister Theresa May who gave her speech at the Lord’s Mayor’s banquet last night has promised to make globalisation “Work for all”.  Predictably, there have been mixed responses to Theresa May's speech with some claiming that she has no idea of how to proceed with the key issues entailed in the Brexit project.

All we see in the headlines is “Brexit” after months of reflection have people changed their Brexit views? In the studio we have Conservative MP for Kilburn & Hampstead _____________. Welcome,  

1.     Firstly, so do have an idea of when Article 50 will be triggered?
2.     Is there still some uncertainty upon Brexit?
3.     Last question, will our Prime Minister struggle to get what she wants from leaving the European Union?

Thanks you for your time today.

Now over to our Health Correspondent Hany Tahir, with the latest developments at the Royal Free Hospital.

The difference between the two scrips it that me needed to have more one voice in the opining of the show creats more of a diversity in voices the finalised script has more of a intro to the show rather then in the first one where it goes almost straght into the first topic this change was made to creat a closer feeling to the fans so they get a closer feeling to the fans by introducion the show. 
Topic 2: Health

Our second news story is reporting the royal free hospital teaming up with deep mind a technological company from Britain that set up a device that will alert doctors on a more regular basics then it would have before.

Draft News Bulletin Topic 2 Script:
Running Order 

Landmark things happening at the Royal Free Hospital, where The Royal Free has signed an agreement with British Technological company DeepMind. Where they will be developing “Streams” where nurses and doctors will be notified immediately when test results show a patient is at risk of becoming seriously ill.
This will speed up the time to alert nurses from hours down to seconds. Helping to reduce at least 10,000 life’s who die in UK Hospitals. 
With the first version of the streams will be set up in early 2017.
This will reduce the amount of papers you’ll see in hospitals, and able to see data on mobile which is more accessible. 
However, this partnership will have a high amount of security where patients information is in hands on a network. “Privacy and trust are paramount, and we’re holding ourselves to an unprecedented levels” said DeepMind co-founder Mustafa Suleyman.

Finalised Topic 2 Script

Running Order
Now over to Health Correspondent Hany Tahir, with the latest developments at the Royal Free Hospital.
Landmark events happening at the Royal Free Hospital, where The Royal Free has signed an agreement with British Technological company DeepMind. They will be developing “Streams” which will notify nurses and doctors when their patient is in danger or is ill.

This will speed up the time to alert nurses from hours down to seconds. Helping to reduce at least 10,000 deaths in UK Hospitals. With the first version of “Streams” to be set up in early 2017.

We’ve caught up with DeepMind’s co-founder Shane Legg on the phone to talk about the privacy of this deal.

“This partnership will have high levels of security where patients’ information is network encrypted.Privacy and trust are paramount, and we’re holding ourselves to unprecedented levels of account

Thank you Mr. Shane Legg.

The difference between the scripts is clear as the first script had more chunks of just talking by one person as in the 2nd script there is 3 different people that are talking and me mangered to get an interview with the co founder of deep mind rather then just talking about what had happened giving a more expert opinion on the topic.



The tool I used when editing my recording is the Equalizer tool. this allowed us to make it sound as if interview with shane legg was as if it was on the phone gave the interview a more realistic view then as if we where in the same room as the intervieew  would make less sense and we choose the phone call would be the best way or the interview to be conducted.
  Topic 3:Crime 

 Draft Topic 3 script: 
Running Order
There has been a non-fatal stabbing in West Hampstead at Billy Fury Way. Mark is there reporting on the latest incidents in the area. 
I’m here reporting in West Hampstead, and within the past week a man has been stabbed and came into Veronica Beatty’s cab office. And many other young people come into her office for safety. They say it’s a dangerous area, and I can see too. There have been pleas from Veronica Beatty for CCTV to be invested in West Hampstead and to make Billy Fury Way more safe.

Finalised Topic 3 Script:

Running Order
In other news, there has been a non-fatal stabbing in West Hampstead via Billy Fury Way.

And now over to our crime correspondent, Mark Murphy.
(Outside Broadcast)
I’m here reporting from West End Lane in West Hampstead, where a young adult male was stabbed last night upon exiting the tube station. He staggered towards Veronica Beatty’s cab office for safety.  This is not the first time this has happened this year.
The proprietor of the Cab office had this to say………….,  

Veronica Beatty
‘It’s not usually a dangerous area, I’ve been most surprised’

(Outside Broadcast) 
The metropolitan police are now requesting any eyewitnesses to contact them about potentially violent incidents in the area of Billy Fury Way.  The contact number is 07920 233766.

The changes that where made where to make the show more of a professianal view to the show with the wording of the script changing and the inculion of the phone number at the end of the broudcast makes it sound more of a crime artical then the first script does and the second script is more specific to what has happened and to the west hampstead area.

The tool that was used on this script was the envelope tool is very similer to the amplify tool but the envelope tool only works on upping and lowering the background sound as can be seen in the picture during this script we had to lower the background sound on most aspect on the script this ensizes the audio and it is the main focus of the audence rather then the background sound drowung out the audio.

Topic 4:

Business - Inflation rate rose to 1.2% in November up from 0.9% in October.

Currently in December 2016, the UK's inflation rate has been at its highest point since 2 years prior in 2014, where it currently is at 1.2%. Which that 2 months before the figure stood at 0.9%. The figure has rose as a result of rising clothing and fuel prices.

Draft Topic 4 Script:
Running Order
In other news, inflation rate here in Britain was at its highest point since October 2014, where now it’s at 1.6%.
Last month the inflation rate stood at 1.2%. This was the result of the rise in clothing and fuel prices within the past couple of years.
The Bank of England expects this figure to rise throughout 2017 to 2.7% and will remain above the ideal 2% inflation rate until 2020.

Finalised Topic 4 Script:

Running Order
In other news, inflation rate here in Britain was at its highest point since October 2014, where now it’s at 1.6%.
Last month the inflation rate stood at 1.2%. This was the result of the rise in clothing and fuel prices within the past couple of years.
Big Ben Chime (3 Seconds)
The Bank of England expects this figure to rise throughout 2017 to 2.7% and will remain above the ideal 2% inflation rate until 2020.

The changes where very small on this script as the text wasn't changed on the script but we inculded a sound effect it is short but it fits the topic that we talk about also changing it from Mark to Carl to get more diverse voice in the radio show with the more voices in the show we get creats it to be less repative for the auidence with the same people not inculding the presenter to talk on each script.

Topic 5:

Social/Lifestyle - Ice Skating Rink opened in West Hampstead.

Draft Topic 5 Script:

Running Order
Winter has begun! An ice rink has opened in JW3. It is already open and will stay opened until Sunday the 8th of January.
The Ice Rink is even opened on Christmas Day for those willing to go ice staking.
Like I said it’s located in JW3, and provides a great opportunity to explore the area, which contains cafés, cinemas and more activities. With it in JW3 it’s great so you won’t have to travel into Central London.

Finalised Topic 5 Script:
Running Order
Now over to Jay Bircham, our entrainment correspondent, reporting about the opening of a new ice rink located in JW3

Winter has begun! An ice rink is open here in JW3. It is already open and will remain open until Sunday 8th January. 

It’s located in JW3, and provides a great opportunity to explore the area, which contains cafés, cinemas and various activities. With it being located here, it means that they don’t have to travel into Central London just to ice skate.

The updated script inculded a outside broadcast by Jay gave it more of a feel to the audience as the reporter is actually at the venue JW3 by keeping the content of the scripts the same but not having on the presenter talking but having an outside broadcast at the area reported.

This is the DP scale in audacity this is used to measure the sound quality of each of the recordings with the DP we used it to look if any recordings that where to loude the prefect recording would be between -6 to -12 with anything above being to loude and it would clip the audio it would as be at contrast to the rest of the audio as well with the DP scale you can see the exact time where the audio clips.

Topic 6:

Travel - Information on the upcoming London Underground Strike.
Source: Transport for London.

I got information off Transport for London's website to get the current information upon all the transport information within London, but I was specifically looking for road information within Hampstead.

Draft  Topic 6 Script:

Running Order
The London Underground is on standstill as of the strike that happened today which is set to last until 6pm.
All tube lines are shut down, with the London Overground and the DLR only running within London. Along side with London Buses. Yet it is expected that all of he available transport routes will be packed and people will have to find alternative routes.

 Finalised Topic 6 Script:

Running Order
"Please mind the gap between the train and the platform"
This is an announcment which is not going to be heard by Londoners tomorow. We ask for their opinjons on the strike action. 
Vox Pops

The script change was to include the vox pops this then changed the script as we had to shorten the script to include the vox pops and to get rid of any information that we didn't really need to say in the script and thing that are covered in the vox pops.

Script 7

Weather - The current weather that is in the Hampstead Area.
Source: The Met Office/BBC News

I went onto several websites to gain information upon the weather around the Hampstead Area, to find accurate results. And that both of the websites (Met Office/BBC News) had roughly the same results so i contained my findings within the script.

Finalised Topic 7:

Running Order
And now over our weather correspondent Carl Higgins, informing us about the weather in the Hampstead area.

Today’s weather in the Hampstead area is foggy with low humidity, with temperatures at the lowest of -1°C. And the highest at 1°C. As a result there is 100 flight cancelations out of Heathrow this morning from all the fog.
With tomorrows temperature not improving that much, with the highest temperature at 3 °C and the lowest at 1°C. In the Hampstead area.

Final Product 

This Soundcloud above is my final news bulletin.

Evaluation  questions

• In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of    real media products?
• How does your media product represent particular social groups? 
 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
• Who would be the audience for your media product?
• How did you attract/address your audience?  
• What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
• Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression    from it to the full product?
Evaluation question 1

Evaluation question 2

Media Evaluation 3

Evaluation question 4

        Evaluation question 5
         Evaluation question 6: